I enjoyed International Alternative Press Festival in the weekend very much.
It was a nice opportunity to show collemoki's new stuff to the public so we worked so hard for it.
The venue Conway Hall was a nice old building, which reminded me my old school Bunka Gakuin's previous building (it's rebuilt now already) in Japan.
This main hall was really feels like its assembly hall.
Most interesting thing at zine fairs is meeting lots of people, isn't it?
Finding new talented people,
seeing people who knew me through the other zine fairs, the degree show, or my blog,
and especially it was nice to see Matt Abbiss.
I've seen his animation on a animation collection DVD found at Camberwell Library few years ago.
I loved it and it's really well made from both views of mood and technique.
My aim seems similar to his one, and 'feelings mutual' is what he said.
The others are great as well!
photos from collemoki blog.
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